Confirm that you wish to delete that data from WhatsApp by tapping again on “Clear”.Tap on the types of data you want to clear and remove, or select them all, then tap on “Clear”.Scroll through the list of details about the conversation with that contact (showing Photos, GIFs, Videos, Voice Messages, Documents, Stickers, etc, total counts, and storage size) and then tap on “Manage”.Here you will find a list of conversations and threads, along with the total storage size of each thread, tap on any of these contacts thread/conversation to take action on that particular conversations data.Scroll down to find and choose “Storage Usage”.Locate and tap on “Data and Storage Usage”.Open WhatsApp and tap on “Settings” (found in the corner of the app).Removing WhatsApp data this way also allows you to see just how much storage each message thread is taking up on an iPhone How to Clear WhatsApp Data, Storage, and Caches from iPhone

Fortunately WhatsApp gives you some level of granular controls on what data you can remove, so if you only want to delete photos or videos from a specific thread with a particular contact, you can do that. Deleting WhatsApp data storage and caches is not without consequence however, and by doing a full cleaning you’ll be deleting message threads and all of their contained photos, gifs, videos, voice messages, documents, stickers, and other information contained within WhatsApp and various conversations you’ve had. One way to clear WhatsApp data is to to quite literally delete message threads and conversations completely from the app, but you can also be more specific and see more information including the storage size of each type of data you plan on removing.